My first impressions of the new c-mount lenses Fish-Eye 8mm F3.8 4/3“ (CL-Mil0838), 25mm F1.4 APS-C (CL-Mil2514) and 35mm F1.6 APS-C (CL-Mil3516).
This week I received my package of three c-mount lenses, specifically designed for Micro Four Thirds and APS-C cameras. These lenses seem to be inspired by the successful Fujian lenses, especially the 35mm F/1.7 c-mount ().
All three lenses are chipped in the same boxes and just a small field tells you, which lens is included. There is no company name, the boxes just say “Camera Lens” and “Mirrorless”.
The lenses are only available since a few weeks and can as far as I know only be bought from China through Ebay.

Four Different C-Mount Lenses
Fish-Eye 8mm F3.8 4/3“ (CL-Mil0838) about 77 US$ () – This is the only model that is only designed for (Micro) Four Thirds Kameras. It has around 180° field or view on my OM-D and does vignette on my Nex.
25mm F1.4 APS-C (CL-Mil2514) about 50 US$ ().
35mm F1.6 APS-C (CL-Mil3516) about xx US$ ().
50mm F1.8 APS-C (CL-Mil5018) about xx US$ (Seems to be sold out already.) – the only model I did not buy directly as there are so many fast legacy lenses of this focal length.
The build quality seems decent for the price. The 25mm and the 35mm feature a 46mm filter thread and are shipped with a snap-on lens cap. A pouch is included with all three lenses..
As soon as the weather clears up and I finish my comparison of the Olympus M.Zuiko 25mm and the Panasonic Lumix 20mm, I am going to test all three lenses by comparing them to the popular Fujian lenses as well as “real” MFT and APS-C lenses.
Here is a short clip to demonstrate the vignetting of the Fish-Eye 8mm 4/3” C-Mount lens on APS-C cameras. As you can see this lens really is specifically designed for (Micro) Four Thirds cameras. This clip is out of camera without any editing.